Wednesday, August 26, 2009

We are weird...

Lastnight, Erik and I spent about 5 minutes singing "Row, Row, Row your Boat" in a round. For no reason. When we stopped, I immediately said, "What the fu*k are we doing? I have to text Julie". Julie is my sister. He got mad and asked why I have to share every intimate moment we have with my sister. I don't! She just appreciates weird things! I thought she would find it funny!

Later, as we were falling asleep, I told him a lame "Knock Knock" joke. So lame I cannot even remember what it was. He replied with:

E: Knock Knock
M: Who's there?
E: Interrupting Fergie.
M: Interrupting Fer...
M: ...gie who?

Bahahaha! I laughed for like twenty minutes.

I really wanted to text my sister, but I resisted :).

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